
Home office ideas: your must-have work devices

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Home office ideas: your must-have work devices
Office peripherals and headsets have become our best allies since working from home came into our lives, bringing with it the need to have a home office. We pay more attention to them than ever before, and give a lot of thought to their design and comfort. 

Many of us already work full time at home, or follow a hybrid format and spend part of the week working remotely. Arming ourselves with the best home office setup is therefore essential. Let’s see some of the best home office ideas.

Ergonomic mouse

PC mice are an essential element when our work requires us to spend many hours in front of the computer. An ergonomic vertical mouse is the best choice. This design reduces pressure on the wrist and corrects posture. You will be grateful for it after long hours at work. Vertical computer mice support the hand’s natural grip and adapt to different sizes and shapes.

Try our vertical mouse Office Mouse 5 Comfy

Wireless headphones

We’ll bet that one of the things that bothers you most about your home office is the amount of cables dangling around your desk. Screen, keyboard, laptop... and if we also add the headphone cord... what a mess! Wireless headsets are the perfect option to free you from cables and allow you to move around while working. If they also have fast charging and HQ Voice Calls, then you really have got it spot on.

Discover the Wireless Headset Office 6

An ultraquiet keyboard

Keyboards with ultraquiet keys are ideal for working from home. Imagine working for hours on end without having to constantly listen to the sound of keystrokes. What a relief! This device will help you to stay focused. You can also add a touch of fun to your office by choosing a gaming keyboard. It’s not just for playing! Gaming keyboards with LED lights will give your workday a good vibe. And they are highly resistant.

We recommend: Gaming Keyboard ESG K7 Silent-Ninja

A large-size PC mouse pad

Mouse, keyboard, smartphone, agenda... Our home office has an endless number of devices that we need to keep protected and well organised. Extra large mouse pads, which cover not only the mouse surface but practically the whole desktop, are becoming increasingly popular. They are available in XL (800 x 300 mm) and XXL (900 x 400 mm). Choosing one with an extra USB port will take your office setup to another level.

Be amazed with our Gaming Mouse Pad ESG P5 RGB (800 x 300 mm)

Which other device is a must-have in your office?
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