If you close your eyes for a few seconds and think about that video game that marked you as a teenager, or the love story that took you head over heels and kept you in front of the screen for hours, there is a common link that will trigger this memory: its soundtrack.
Great masterpieces of videogames that, little by little, have become one of the most outstanding narrative elements. The music accompanies you in every adventure, it makes you get emotional in the most dramatic moments and charges you with energy in the action scenes.
To give them the prominence they deserve, here at
ES Gaming we want to create a playlist with the best video game soundtracks. But we didn't choose them ourselves, we want your favourite songs to appear on the playlist.
Do you want to participate? It's very simple. All you have to do is write a comment in this article with the name of the video game and, if you want to be more specific, the song from its soundtrack that you like the most. We are waiting for your recommendations!